“I wanna know you better,” Nick said, turning to his side.
“Yeah? OK, all right. Ask me. Ask me something…. No, actually, just ask me anything.”
“OK,” he lingered as if he wasn’t sure he should ask… “But you said ‘anything’.”
“I sure did.”
“OK. So…” Nick smiled. “How do you like it?”
“It? How do I like it? Is that your question?” I couldn’t believe that his first question to me was about this. “You mean sex, right? Or am I… ‘mistaken’?” I wanted to add, but he already answered.
“Yeah, you got it right.”

Not that I felt uncomfortable or shy answering this question, but it kind of felt a little bit early in the relationship to talk about it. Or, maybe, not? Or maybe I have got so anti-social, so simple question like this could throw me off… Well, since we already kissed once and it was our second date, I assumed the man sure wants to move fast changing conversation topics towards his natural goal. I smiled to the awareness of what was happening, and decided, that I sure knew my own pace which I planned to take in this relationship, and nothing really could change it.

“All right. To answer ‘how I like it,’ I have to tell you what sex is for me.” Nick was all eyes, and I continued…

“U see, to me sex is… love… No, not exactly. I’d say, closeness, communication, and…” I tried to find the right word to… this feeling of wonder, when I interact with my partner, I almost… yes, I admire him, “and admiration. Yes, communication and admiration. And closeness.”

I looked at Nick. There was something different in the way he was looking at me. His ‘almost uncomfortable’ smile was gone, and I sensed that from now on if he only would decide to enter that relationship we both were upon, he would take a completely different path rather than the one he originally pictured he would go with me. It felt kind of cool. I decided that if he takes that leap, I will show him everything I can and give him everything I possess in the area he was just so interested about. Now I was waiting, not showing it, of course. Just waiting for him to make a move – forward or backward. Which path will he take?

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