It’s been a great journey to have access to so much great stuff to watch that comes free with Amazon Prime membership, which itself is not necessarily cheap, but the Amazon Instant Video in my opinion completely makes up for it.

Since I first got my membership a few years back I have found and watched so many incredible movies and a few decent TV shows, minding that I am actually very reluctant about watching TV whatsoever, because having an addictive nature, I am always a bit afraid of getting on something I would have hard times getting off, and watching TV is not an activity I would like to dedicate my precious life to.

But I have to admit, there were a few shows that I don’t regret watching and sometimes even rewatching. For example, The Good Wife and Damages, especially the latter. I watched both what I would say in Russian in a watching binge. Needless to say the Fringe became my most favorite show of all times, which I almost know by heart by now, just about like I know Back to the Future.

My love for a good Fantasy is well fed with this awesome thing Grimm. Surprisingly, Extant wasn’t bad either. I also stayed up for almost 2 days while I watched both seasons of Rome and haven’t missed a series of Forensic Files. I love historical, and for instance Mr. Selfridge was also captivating.

But those are all well-known and well-loved pieces and I am perfectly aware that I haven’t really educated anyone by mentioning those. However, there are a few films that I found accidentally and I think might not be that familiar to somebody, but are absolutely worth watching for various reasons.

First, I have to mention recently one of my most favorite films – The Frame from the makers of Ink. What an amazing symbolic dark and intense fantasy! Very pleasant to decipher, very intriguing to watch, especially considering a no formal stars cast. Whimsical and at the same time very sincere, romantic with no mush. Fantastically composed and filmed. I have got to own it.

Next film I absolutely recommend to watch is Frequencies. Another fantasy, romantic without being overly sweet. This is the kind of movie that leaves a very light and peaceful aftertaste. Couple elegant turns – so unexpected, you do want to rewatch the movie again, it ignites almost exactly the same feeling you had after you first saw Fight Club. But without the overwhelming drama. On the contrary, even with the dramatic events sometimes along the plot, Frequencies remain a very airy piece, that doesn’t spin your heart and mind, but only keeps you intrigued. The keeper.

A very surprising low budget movie that I loved is Vino Veritas. You drink a vine of truth and your world crashes dragging with it the rest of the worlds around you. Curious premise, interesting to watch it unfold. The full cast is only four people, but they keep you entertained. Very fresh, very authentic. And now I want that vine.

Coherence is another mind-twisting thriller that is multi layered, brain-tickling symbolic puzzle that is made visually simple, but does create a fairly decent game of “guess, what it is”.

And one more thing I would like to mention, that was a surprise for me and may be interesting to those who love apocalyptic sci-fi and don’t mind subtitles. Well most of the time, when it comes to series, I do mind subtitles, you have gotta be really committed to the show to keep reading from the screen for a few hours, but in my case I didn’t have to because the show is Russian.

The Day After was a great discovery for me especially my disbelief that anything decent there is being made in Russia recently in film, but I watched all 12 episodes of the first season non-stop, and have to admit, that the show is made up to very high filming standards in respect of both filming and the story. It may be also interesting to watch to those who are curious about Russian culture, cause it definitely shows, and it’s definitely distinct.

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