You wander through the world, touching other people. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it’s hot. Sometimes it’s cold. Sometimes it’s warm and gentle. Sometimes it even seems forever. But time passes, and you’re on the move again. Sometimes you settle like silt at the bottom, just to find shelter. But if the fire still burns, then nothing is needed – just to find the same flame that warmed your heart. And one that you would like to preserve.

We often get disappointed. Is that bad? It only speaks of a wonderful quality – the ability to be charmed! And the stronger the disappointment, the more magical the charm was. Isn’t that so?

Marriage, family, serious relationships – they are wonderful. But it’s impossible to seek serious relationships. It’s impossible to find someone for marriage. You can simply meet a close person. A person who will become close. And what form the relationship will take – legal or not – is almost irrelevant. But if sex starts with a thought, then what about relationships? Isn’t it from flirting? However, flirting is not a very appropriate word. Rather, mutual attraction. It, in turn, is impossible without a personal meeting.

Relationships are never just intimate. Of course, even one-night stands are a form of relationship. And I’m not against it – for variety. But only the depth of relationships can make people feel their true taste. The taste of life.

Being together is always difficult.

Even if it’s Love. To answer for yourself and for the other. To be responsible for relationships, which are a process of creation. Which must be the essence of the process of creation. That’s hard. It’s hard to grow something, nurture it, take care of it so that it doesn’t perish but becomes better day by day. And to maintain love in this…

And if someone says it’s easier (simpler, better) alone – that’s true. It’s always easier alone. Because being together is always difficult. Even if it’s Love… Especially if it’s Love.

But if someone says that they are a loner, that they are better off alone, that they need to be alone, that they need to be alone, then they are a weak person. Because only a strong person, selflessly, without thinking about their comfort or considering their peace too simple, not so valuable, compared to what can be created together, only such a person is capable of truly strong deeds. Deeds of a great Human. A person worthy of respect.

Quite often people admit to themselves that they are just playing – with hormones and consciousness. Sometimes people mistake the game of hormones and consciousness for Love. Sometimes people mistake the game of hormones, consciousness, and the desire for “something inexplicably greater” for that “something inexplicably greater”. Some fantasizers don’t even need the game of hormones or consciousness to attach “something inexplicably greater” to an empty space.

And sometimes miracles really do happen to us. And then the game of hormones and consciousness is no longer needed. Then two beings are totally absorbed in the amazing process, state, world, in which they only understand what Life is…

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