The person who walks towards themselves and does everything to be true to themselves is worthy of respect by definition. It’s not an easy path – the path to oneself. And it’s not always grateful. A person grows only until they reach a certain spiritual purity and SINCERITY, it’s very difficult for them to socialize – to fit in with this world.

The world (the people who inhabit it) expects predictability from us, controllability, softness, and flexibility. This world desires us to be as it wants to see us, not as we truly are. However, if we were 100% sincere, the beast that lurks within each of us would emerge. But “man is as good as he can tame the beast within himself”…

It’s a complex question – self-awareness. Many of us don’t know who we really are. When the recognition begins, it can become frightening, as human nature can scare by what is usually left unknown. To be as natural as possible means to be an individual. And individuality never has smooth forms, it’s always angular, sharp-edged, it doesn’t fit into the interior, being something unlike anything else. Like any ingenious creation.

So the process of adaptation in society, which prefers soft and pliable objects, poses quite a challenge for the PERSON. For a personality that has not yet fully formed. When the personality is formed, it no longer cares how it is perceived. It has opened up and creates. It loves and people start gathering around. But then a new problem arises…

It’s the problem of personal relationships. It’s no secret to any psychologist that calm and fruitful relationships are quite tricky for prominent, bright figures. That’s why there are so many divorces among celebrities. One bright personality barely fits with an ordinary one – one that hasn’t reached the heights of absolute disclosure. The reason is simple – the second one will always have to be below the first one. It’s unlikely she will tolerate this. And, ultimately, does the first one need slaves?

Two bright personalities are like fire and flame. They cannot be together for long, if only because neither will yield the royal throne. Each will always remain themselves, and yet relationships are impossible without compromises and concessions. How wise and flexible one must be, who feels like a fully bloomed flower, how much responsibility must be taken to lead an ordinary life of relationships with another person.

Growth is inevitable. Even when you have found yourself. Especially when you have found and opened up. Further growth is powerful. And you choose. Either growth (the Self) or relationships. Usually, the first one is chosen, as at this stage such a choice already seems absurd.

Solitude doesn’t threaten the “star” (read “free individual”) – they have themselves, and that’s enough for them, in principle. But we all know that we originated from God, but through the animal. We have instincts! And the “primary” one – the instinct for procreation. Like seeks like, Yin – seeks Yang, Masculine – seeks Feminine, Negative – seeks Positive. And that’s normal. It’s inherent in human nature. This is the kind of solitude I’m talking about!

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