Actually, everything I’m going to write about has long been written and said many times in various forms. I won’t say anything new for the world. But all of this is new to me. No, not that we can throw an order into the Universe and it will return as reality. What’s new to me in this process is the amazing, unfamiliar sensation of realization at some deep level of how it actually works.

The goal of this article is to describe what this means to me because, in my view, it’s precisely this realization that makes the process of “creating” our lives according to the Law of Attraction (creative visualization) easy, simple, understandable, and truly magical.

I’ve been on this path for quite some time. On the way to this ease, I’ve encountered obstacles like doubts, mistrust, fear, suspicion, disbelief, resentment… But now, when I see the whole process from order to fulfillment so clearly, I understand the roots of these obstacles and what can be done to either avoid them or gracefully bypass them on the path to manifesting in reality what our hearts desire.

First of all, let’s agree that we all agree that it works: we order something (create it in our consciousness, paint a picture of the future), and somehow the Universe gives it to us in one form or another.

Already at this level, there are many “yes, but” moments. The problem is that this postulate omits the conditions that many people usually “imply” when they first encounter the Law of Attraction – these are “positive” requests and what we really want. In my opinion, it’s important from the very beginning to realize that any requests are fulfilled, not just those that reflect what we really want. The process of fulfilling a request (materializing fluids) is clearly governed by rules. Nothing is taken into account except for a certain sequence of actions.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that we can completely unconsciously perform these actions in a strict sequence, and, without realizing it, create our lives unconsciously, and therefore, not necessarily in line with what we want, and often it happens quite the opposite.

Let’s consider the whole process. It’s quite simple: you need to imagine what we want to create, keep it in memory. At the same time, the Universe (or whoever fulfills our orders – in other words, the source of created materiality and immateriality) perceives the order in combination with the sensations accompanying the ordering process.

This is a very important point. Because, as a result, we will receive along with the order the feelings that were present at the time of ordering. In simple terms, this can be explained roughly as follows:

Thoughts: “I have a new car. Mercedes. New. Cool. Let the money for it come on its own.” At the same time, the mental picture of us driving this Mercedes and feeling good about it.

Seemingly, everything in the order is done correctly.

But all of this is just a superficial process. When fulfilling the order, the Universe takes into account unconscious processes that go on in the background and of which our consciousness often has no awareness.

If, at the same time, there’s a subconscious process like, “Yeah, right.” or “Is this beauty really for you?” or “Yeah, they’ll take such a beauty away from such a loser in two weeks.” Many similar accompanying texts on the subconscious background can occur, and all at once, like a three-dimensional marquee. And, although we may not be aware of this subconscious process (that’s why it’s subconscious), our subtle perception system is well aware of what our subconscious is “thinking”. This is all expressed in the “background”, barely noticeable emotional subtext to the state that we emit at a conscious level, shaping our picture with the sensation we want to experience when receiving the ordered item. The trap of this background emotional hum is that if it were consciously realized, it could be worked on to smooth it out or even get rid of it altogether, transform it into a constructive positive background. And on an unconscious level, it works instantly and remains so in that picture forever until we literally have to deal with what we “created” (messed up) and form new orders. But even new orders will await the same fate if the background emotional process is left unattended.

This is a key point that many people either don’t realize or don’t attach importance to. Or they do attach importance to it but don’t know how to deal with it because such background noises are a natural environment for any consciousness. Often people just accept that this is the norm and don’t try to change anything because both conscious and unconscious mental background have always been, are, and will be there. Even for those who meditate constantly. Meditators have just learned to observe this background, bringing it all to the conscious level.

In this feature of the process of creative visualization lies the problem but also its solution. It’s precisely because such a problem exists that what we know, think, and believe about ourselves is so critically important. That’s why spiritually developed humanity seeks to purify consciousness: to rid it of subconscious mental noise that turns our lives (a constant process of creative visualization) into a hell where we always get what we want but always “through the back door” of our own self-perception.

In other words, we get according to our faith – according to our belief in who we are.

Therefore, to facilitate the process of creative visualization, it’s necessary to explore the question, “Who am I?”

Many will say that they don’t consider themselves worthy of the very best. Or, for example, they themselves think they are but live in a society that disagrees, and they understand and accept this point of view – that the very best in life is out of reach for them. There can be many reasons a person doesn’t consider themselves worthy or up to the level of what they request from the Universe. Just recall the story of the girl who was afraid the Universe would take her leg for some blessing she asked for. Opinions of one’s own unworthiness can manifest in various forms, for example: “I’ll have an apartment by the ocean, sure, the Arctic Ocean,” or “Once I find the man of my dreams, surely he’ll be broke, you can’t have it all at once.” The funny thing is that such texts (opinions, beliefs, states of consciousness) are often woven into our perception of ourselves, which is often not realized by people. Moreover, I can say that the worse (more unworthy) our understanding and acceptance of ourselves is, the less we realize it.

Why – not so important, but I personally have a theory about it. Want it – take it, don’t want it – no. I believe that life is love. That everything happened out of love. That love is a transparent essence from which both material and immaterial are created. And the Universe, which gives us according to our requests, – is love itself – the source, the fabric, and the reason of the creative process… And if we imagine the process of fulfilling the order – it becomes clear that this process itself is love. It doesn’t matter what is created in the process. The keyword is created! Love always gives, no matter what is asked, because the essence of love is to create space for everything.

Love is an endless existing ocean of infinite possibilities in the seventh dimension. And the only way for love to experience life is through us, living spiritual beings, given consciousness to create life so that Love can perceive this life in different manifestations. Being love, with total acceptance, it creates everything we ask for, in the form, sensations, and conditions that our consciousness and subconsciousness order.

That’s how magic happens. That’s why the most spiritual people, close to understanding how it works, strive to free themselves from unconscious mental garbage, to change (to transform or silence – depending on their understanding of the process) the perception of themselves. There are various methods for this – working with a good psychologist, meditation, yoga… Whatever works to correct distorted self-perception, smooth it out, ideally transform it into emptiness, leaving only pure space for creativity – all methods are good. This is where purification and communion practices come from. If we don’t perceive religions as systems of obedience, we can find a lot of wisdom in them.

In this process, it’s not enough to just start thinking that we are better than everyone else or worthy of everything… Such elements of violence cannot create balance; they will only amplify the amplitude of internal garbage oscillations. Therefore, the best option is to go towards “I am nothing” or (which is essentially the same) “I am everything”. And it’s true. Every person, whatever they may be, is a reflection of everything existing in the world. And therefore, love.

Feeling the inner emptiness from the “garbage” of thoughts (or fears – it doesn’t matter) that something will still go wrong because everything never goes wrong, realizing that love will return to you spiritually and materially everything you create, we start to look at the whole process of creative visualization differently.

Fears, doubts, belief that something bad will catch up with us, and other similar artifacts will cease to be our reality. In a space free from them, we can create beautiful paintings worthy of Love. And Love will gladly return them to us, as it always has. We don’t need to live in a perfect world, just as we don’t need to reconcile with its imperfections if we don’t want to.

Now, the main point of this article is the easy and effective method of creative visualization that I discovered for myself. I hasten to note once again that there is nothing new in it, but there is one feature that is not always emphasized when it comes to the law of attraction. In the movie “The Secret,” there is a fragment that talks about how to enter the necessary state in which creative visualization will work effectively without being influenced by factors of undesirable self-perception. The movie recommends that “gratitude” is one of the simple ways to enter a suitable state for working with the law of attraction. (By the way, the film also emphasizes the need for a positive self-perception and in general that in the process of creative visualization, it is necessary to transmit the experience that you want to experience from the order received.)

I went even further for myself. My process of creative visualization became very easy and simple when from a state of emptiness and awareness that everything is already in Love and I just need to extract what I want for myself, on the level of spiritual-material perception, I create exactly what I dream of, in the form I want, fully enjoying the consciousness of the three-dimensional picture of me in the environment and atmosphere of what I received.

The key moment that brings me to the state of ecstasy, which sends the order to its destination and execution in this three-dimensional visualization, is the feeling of gratitude and buzz – for receiving it. It’s like seeing myself in a piece of the future where I want to be. In fact, this future already exists, just like any other (because in Love there is everything-everything-everything). In this future, I enjoy the buzz that I experience in the environment and atmosphere of what is happening to me. And I take this buzz with me into the present where I physically exist, and this buzz transmits my order into Love, which immediately begins to mold and arrange that piece of future where I just was. If you want, it’s a kind of time travel where I give instructions on how to prepare for my arrival.

In the English language, there is a wonderful word “blessed.” It means “blessed.” Why do we receive blessings? To know that everything will be fine. To create this good. It is this feeling – blessing – that should fill the three-dimensional picture of the future we travel to place an order.

It’s the blessed ecstasy that spreads warmth throughout the body, conveying to the smallest cell the knowledge that I too came from love. That I am love. And that I can create anything I want. So why not wish for the most beautiful thing that comes to mind…

The constant realization “To create the most beautiful thing imaginable” gives amazing freedom and joy. A flight where we stop playing the games of the humiliated and offended, the hurt and oppressed, the abandoned and unloved, the robbed and ruined…

And we become a new breath of Love on Earth. And with insane joy, like children, we rush again and again to create this world – beautiful, blooming, full of us – Love.

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