
There once was a tale
You have told. It was mine.
Sea of tenderness was
At that time in your eyes.

Then a song I composed –
You have sung it to me.
In the morning incredible
World I have seen.

When the poem I wrote –
You declared, oh, yes!
And the walls disappeared,
And the sadness dispersed.

Then my novel appeared,
You were Knight and the Man.
You have sent me the ocean
Of flowers then.

I was wispering prayer –
You have followed my voice
To the end of the rhyme,
To the edge of the choice.

But the pages have jelled
In the singing, my friend.
We have written together
Those last words: The End. 17.09.01


And so another day has burned away,
The Moon was caught by our magic way
And stars were peeping through the clear night
When we were walking there in starry light
From fall till dawn so tenderly, so far
When I have burned away like shiny star. 13.04.2001

One hundred miles. I’m flying. Blues along.
I wish I was your Mystery, your Song.
Your tender wind. I’m melting, it’s OK.
I wanna be with you again. Again

I want to be the Sun above your head.
I want to be the dream above your bed.
I want to be your tender tail-on wind.
Your tail-on light, your Muse, your tail-on limb.

Your tail-on sky, the grass you smell so deep,
Your tail-on joy, your easiness. You’ll sip
My sweetest smell. I’ll keep you on the way
And everywhere you go, or live, or stay.

I’ll save you on the way to happy days
You’ll choose for life of joy and sunny rays.
I’ll help to bring the Sun into your life
And be your tail-on wind while I’m alive. 13.04.2001


A quiet bark is hackling the blank.
As I am hackling my dream of tender spark.
Transparent rain is wispering along
My foggy window. Here I belong

To bold and dark, and everlasting night –
So cold and rainy, as my soul inside.
And those umbrellas shining in the rain.
And phone is ringing. It’s not you again.

And I am up to bark as lonely dog
So I would stay from emptiness and fog…
I couldnt see the blues behind the shine,
And it’s so hard to say my last Good-bye. 20.04.2001

And so I dwelled. I hid the blue.
So you won’t see the weakness. You,
Good-bye, my Love, good-bye, my dear,
It’s time for me to disappear

From your captivity. Thanks God!
I am leaving you the sky above,
My Love, and magical allure.
I will be happy. That’s for sure. 24.04.2001


My Love was lashing
Sealed by thoughts.
Like in the cage
Those little birds.
I wished so much
To be with you,
I couldn’t leave
The world of true.
And let it be
So slim and light,
But only truth
May stop the night.
And so I tried
To leave the lies,
When Love was sealed
By shifty nights. 10.08.01


From heart to heart
Through separation
My soul wants
To touch you badly.
The distance doesn’t
Really matter
For one who wants
To merge with you. 12.08.01


Please, don’t tell me Good-byes,
I’m not saying Good-bye
As a golden mysterious
Wisper of mine

I will sing in the wind,
I will sparkle in the rain,
Oh, I will be around,
Not myself. I’ll remain

In the wisper of water,
In the silence of light,
You will hear this lines
In the working insight,

In the greenery I
Will be following you,
In the moonlight above
I’ll be wonder of blue.

Snow and sun will be smiling
About my face,
In the eyes of those people,
In the touch, in the space.

I’m not saying Good-bye
Even going away.
You do know, I will be.
Be with you. I will stay. 17.09.01


I touched you good-bye
Whispering the last “I love you”
And the memories of the past days
Touched my soul again.
Transparent flame of the blue night,
Quiet whisper of the drops along the glass,
The air between our lips –
Those I will never forget.
Those kisses in the fresh morning
Every day and every night for real
And so I still live with you in my heart
Every second, every minute, every day.
Our meetings through hours and distances,
Our meetings by voices in unison
There were meetings, there were leaves
Just for a second of sleeping.
Impossible to break the palms apart,
Another world – it’s like the fairy tale came true.
My endless overendowness with you
I can feel and live with it.
The heavenly pleached souls,
An impossible heaven of magic tears
Will be with me for the eternity.
You’re in me. Forever. You. Good-bye. 17.09.01


Your roses smell like sea.
From far away wayfaring
You have come to me
Under the frantic sails.

There are storms and gales in your eyes,
Tales are inspiring your air,
Your words have involuntarily
Disturbed my quietness.

You are to go sailing tonight again.
You are eager to drink me,
Feed yourself with me forever
Within one short hour.

Saying Good-byes, I will becalm you:
Look for me on Earth
And in the crystal blue waves –
Look for my whirlpool eyes. 18.08.01


No matter how and when,
No matter with whom you are now.
It’s important to me
That you smile to the spring.
I may not be in your thoughts
These spring days.
But it’s more important for me
That happines cares about you.
That luck
Pets and caresses you
That your beloved
Loves and waits for you.
That your life is
Tender and radiant, my Love.
Then I could be
Happy too. 26.03.2001


They have been trying to reach each other so long
They were rushing towards each other
And didn’ tknow anything about the future.

They touched for a second
Each other and merged,
And stayed in there –

In transparent world of dreams,
In frantic obsession
And the years vanished as smoke.

They have forgotten themselves for a moment,
And then fell apart each walking one’s way,
But still remaining together.

To Love distances are not important
To Love days and years mean nothing.
To Love only Love makes sence. 18.08.01

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