I decided to put together a few storylines for possible screenplays….


Actors: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Keira Knightley.
Storyline: A list of a crime participants is created by the crime witness and secretly sent to police. A crime detective Jack (Cruise) who leads this case is captured by a gang. A bad man (Travolta) shows Jack a video of Jack’s girlfriend Lisa (Keira). Lisa is abducted by the bad man. She has dynamite taped to her body. Tom is given 24 hours to find and kill an owner of the list that was created in a ListMaster otherwise dynamite will blow. Jack starts unwinding a chain of people and their private lists in a ListMaster app and is also trying to find and save Lisa. But what he doesn’t know – Lisa is the one he has to kill, because she created the list.


Actors: Matthew McConaughey, Kate Beckinsale, Gerard Butler.
Storyline: Jerry (McConaughey) and Kate (Beckinsale) just got engaged. They rent a boat to spend a couple weeks cruizing around Caribbean. On their way to the islands, during night time they pass a big yacht and witness some shooting. A man (Butler) jumps off the yacht and swims toward the boat. Jerry and Kate take them on board, he says that he’s in danger. His name is Mark. Couple helps him escape. But in the morning it turns out that Mark stole an iPhone with a precious list in a ListMasters app with directions to some treasure hidden on one of the Caribbean islands. And the worst thing, bad guys from the yacht chasing the little boat. Who is gonna be first — the trio to get the treasure or the yacht to get the boat? And, of course, irresistible Mark will also try to steal Kate’s heart.

Romantic comedy

Actors: Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston.
Storyline: Patricia (Aniston) and Tom (Stiller) have been living together, but Tom is not proposing. Patti accidentally found a list (in a ListMaster app) of Tom’s former girlfriends with their phone numbers and one date next to each name. Patti decides to call all of them and found out what was the date about. She follows the list starting the record with the oldest date. Turns out all those dates were dates of…. (spoiler alert!) :))

Actors: Young, unknown.
Storyline: A few high school friends all show off their newest iPhones. Suddenly, one of them receives an anonymous text message which converts to a list in a ListMaster app. In the list — all their names but the phone owner’s. They can’t figure out why it happened, but forget about it and delete the list. Next day, the phone owner dies. At the very same moment, another guy from the group receives the same list without his name in it. Now everybody is really scared. The pattern goes on and on till there’s only one person left. Is he going to be killed too? Or is he the killer?

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