Ask for what you desire

  • I know how it works in the Universe (Cosmos).
  • I know the Universe is already working on my request.
  • I know the law of attraction is already manifesting my request.
  • All I need to do is release resistance and allow it to happen.

The Universe fulfills the order

Accept the order

  • Explore your state.
  • If you realize you’re not sending vibrations of acceptance, acknowledge it.
  • Catch the moment of persistently living in vibrations that prevent you from accepting your order.
  • Understand that negative emotions indicate you’re not emitting the vibration of acceptance.
  • Purposefully find a thought that will give you relief.
  • Consciously accept what’s better for you, and the emotional background “brightens.”
  • Feel the movement.
  • Sense that you’re ready to release resistance.
  • Feel yourself on the path from resistance to acceptance of what you desire.
  • Feel the impulse of acceptance, its inspiration.
  • Inspired by the idea of acceptance, deliberately step into it, observe the results of this process.
  • Feel proud that you realized this and were able to go through this path.
  • Be happy that non-acceptance gave you the opportunity to see it and let it go, and that your wisdom and awareness of your guiding emotional mechanism helped you with this.
  • Watch the manifestation of the desired becoming closer and closer.
  • Let the desired, fully realized, enter your reality.
  • Feel the incredible uplift from the fact that you will send new and new requests from this new level.

The main components are desire and belief, desire and joy, acceptance, absence of resistance.


You need to feel happy and disregard what others say. Your main task is to feel happiness! Use any opportunity to feel joy and flight – there’s so much in life that can bring joy.

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