I am a person from the lineage of controllers
I am a controller from the lineage of travelers…

I hear the creaking of the white swings. And the supports – they are red. I turn my head and slightly open my mouth. I know my mouth looks beautiful this way. I straighten my back. And I am excited. I am so excited that suddenly it seems like I might fall. But I pull myself together and walk past the small lights.

A layer of faux fur. A layer of padding. A layer of raincoat fabric. Parchment. I feel the beating of a heart. Just the shoulder of the one next to me. This human warmth excites me. I see the movement of your desires. The air trembles because of them. And it becomes hard to breathe. Your gazes pierce me. You look into my eyes. Then why is it so hot around my navel?

I search for meaning in your eyes. I search for a question. I search for an open door. But your doors have heavy locks. You are afraid. How well I understand you…

I can offer you the world. And infinity. But you only agree to observe the gentle, enveloping, exciting movement of my index finger along the neck of the beer bottle. And I gratefully stroke the brown glass. A faint current runs through my fingers. My palm feels the warm hardness, and I fantasize. You are incapable of entering this fantasy.

Sometimes I feel sad. You already know why…

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