Once, a human naively assumed himself to be nothing less than the king of nature. No, enough of that! King! Let him be released into the open field, face to face with the king of beasts, and I believe, to our mutual regret, there will be no boundaries because Mr. Lion will devour the imaginary crown-bearer and leave no bones, the scoundrel. However, if we seriously consider it, why a scoundrel? Well, let’s say the powers are unequal. But is it fair to go after a poor animal with a gun? – Ah! – Exactly. And according to the rules, immediately “scoundrel,” “predator”!

And what resulted in the end? The king of nature, of which the animal world is a part, quietly lies in the belly of a small unit of this animal world. So, did the power of this arrogant “king” not extend to Uncle Leo? And why not? – Because this silly tale about the king of nature.

I won’t even mention that if other parts of this same nature oppose the self-assured “king,” he will be instantly overwhelmed, drowned, crushed by various volcanic eruptions, floods, and other unpleasant natural phenomena.

But in reality, it’s much simpler. And I don’t need to tell you that man is nothing but a part of that same nature, and I’ll even go further, I’ll make such a bold, no, brazen assumption that he belongs more to the animal world.

And what! No, if we consider that what distinguishes man from animals is the ability to wear clothes, then, esteemed opponents, this is not an argument. Because even a small child knows that you can dress not only monkeys, kittens, and bear cubs in a human-like manner.

Ah! We forgot that humans sometimes think too! But even here, I’ll disappoint you. Firstly, there aren’t so many (!!!) representatives of Homo sapiens who think – some try not to burden their existence with this heavy process! But even if we consider that among the human species there are still sometimes thinking individuals (who, rather, can be classified as fossils), I can respond to this by saying that if animals don’t speak, it doesn’t mean they lack the ability to think. Moreover, science has absolutely reliable information about some animals that not only think but do so sometimes much more effectively than their two-legged counterparts.

No, no, no. No arguments about how humans supposedly love in a more human way will convince me of anything. Honestly, I’ll even say this: in this sense, I would gladly be for a little while some pigeon or any other blue-winged bird – it doesn’t matter. Among animals, at least responsibility for the family is developed. The male not only won’t let a stranger near the female but also won’t let anyone hurt his offspring. But to slap your child under the tail with your paw! I’ve never heard such nonsense about animals, and if I do, I’ll consider it cruel slander.

Well then! We’ve reached the most convincing argument in favor of human greatness. Yes, yes! I won’t argue, humans have created all sorts of tools, houses, factories, Bessemer and microwave ovens, and even video cassette recorders. But let’s not forget that human brains were enough to create something that should destroy – weapons, of various kinds and varieties.

Nowhere among animals have I encountered anyone setting traps for their own kind just like that. True, in the animal world, the one who is stronger always wins, but there are always very strict laws that are never violated.

And as for labor and production – ants, for example, and beavers work, in my opinion, no less than humans. And sometimes even more than some!

So, my friends, in the end, it turns out that, as it happens, an animal – even, in general, is higher than a human. So, I want to say to those who believe that man – it sounds proud! Let’s indeed proudly bear this name and truly be human!

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