My friend recently asked me: “What if no one will ever love me…”

The topic of love is particularly relevant to me right now. When I received her letter, I was suddenly struck by the answer to it, tears welled up in my eyes. The past few months, and indeed, many years of my struggles around the theme of love, have left me exhausted. I’ve always wanted to sit down and hear the voice of my own wisdom. And to listen. And to find an answer. And suddenly, my friend’s letter unexpectedly triggered a clear and sincere response in my consciousness – the very one I had been waiting for. I sat down and wrote down this answer. For her. For myself. And for everyone.


Everything I will tell you, you already know. I’m just reminding you. I’m reminding you because when we’re in such a state of “what if no one loves me at all,” we forget everything. In that moment, we bang our heads against the wall, look at it — so close, – and see only it. The wall. There’s no way out. There’s only the wall, with the words “There is no love and maybe there never will be.”

But the solution lies in this inscription. Not in the whole inscription, but in its first part. You see, we all need to finally understand that “There is no love.” It’s not anywhere we’re looking for it. And usually, we’re looking for it in other people, somewhere there, somewhere in the future. Somewhere later. Someone will come and give it. A wizard will suddenly fly in on a blue helicopter and give love for free.

But you yourself understand that this won’t happen. Never. Because love is not five hundred ice creams. It’s not even all the ice cream in the world put together, which is all that exists on Earth.

We constantly forget that love is not a substance passed from hand to hand. There’s no such thing as a lot or a little of it, and it’s not that there’s either some or none. Love is not an emotion, not gifts, not a state of consciousness. And not even a state of the soul. All these states are so capricious, they constantly change. And this once again proves that love is not any kind of state. Because it never changes. It just is. It exists in any present moment. It’s everywhere. It’s like air. Sorry for being lofty, it’s the air of planet Earth.

And everything related to love – intimacy, sex, friendship, any other relationships with people and not only – they all, I think, are based on how much of this element we have within us.

It seems to me that Love is like oxygen, which we breathe. It’s everywhere. With every inhale, we let it into our lungs. I think love works the same way. But it’s not a chemical substance. It can’t enter us on its own.

We just need to take a breath.

Open up. Perhaps the very first step that you and I can take is to realize that we’ve stopped breathing. Stopped breathing Love.

I’m convinced that love is a natural non-chemical element with which our beings should be filled, just like the body with oxygen. If suddenly there’s a longing for love – well, hello: stopped breathing. And all you need to do is open your mouth and take a breath. How? I think every person finds different ways for themselves.

There are a few known to you and me, but constantly forgotten. And it’s precisely for this that I thank you: for pushing me to remember everything I know for myself. Maybe I’ll miss something. I’m sure you can add something yourself.

So, we’ve realized that we “forgot how to breathe.” What’s next?

Start giving to others.

Remember that to receive something, you need to give something. The law of conservation of energy? The law of motion, the law of pressure. When something decreases in us, something new always appears. Empty spaces with negative pressure always get filled. Let’s broadcast sadness and sorrow – that’s what we’ll fill ourselves with. Remember that love exists and it’s always freely available. Take a breath – and exhale it. Where to? Wherever you want. You can exhale it or simply give it to anyone. Or even just to some point on Earth. Klaus Joehle wrote about this very well in the book “The Messenger.” In short, it can be described like this: awareness of love, awareness of the presence of love within you, sending love consciously to everyone and everything – to people, events, things.

In the process, not only an incredible transformation occurs from continuously giving and giving the most precious thing there is on Earth. But also, unexpectedly, you yourself get filled with such a huge amount of love that you glow with it for a long, long time. This is the simplest thing you can start with when you forget how to breathe. And the most effective. Just when you do it, don’t keep in mind the “remainder” of why you’re doing it for yourself. Give everything without reservation. Let it fly. You know how we’ll celebrate the meeting?!

Start giving to yourself.

Someone came up with the idea that loving oneself isn’t necessary. Or, for example, that you should love yourself last. It’s all the other way around. You should love yourself first and foremost. But again, what does love imply in this case? We’re all completely confused about the definitions and often call some other things love. But you and I understand that we’re talking about the love that is like air. So, you need to send love to yourself first and foremost.

How? Surprisingly, the process of giving love to yourself is, for the most part, non-doing. Not belittling yourself in your own eyes, not distrusting yourself, not rejecting yourself, not allowing yourself thoughts like “I’m unworthy,” “no one will love me,” “who needs me,” “I’m incomplete,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not…” and so on. Not “I am the best and most worthy, awesome person.” Maybe someone likes it that way, but I don’t want to swing the pendulum too far in that direction. Because if it swings there – it will definitely swing back. I’m closer to simplicity, the middle ground, non-judgment. Because who am I? I’m just another manifestation of the Universe, which likes being human.

Remember that I’m just a little form of the infinitely large – everything that includes Love…

I’m a part of that bigger picture, that whole, life. We all are manifestations of this divine phenomenon Life. Divine mind. Divine heart. Here I am. I’m just a small hologram of that whole. And I myself am whole. A little whole of the big whole. I’m neither better nor worse. I’m just it. And as my divine beginning, my whole, I too am part of Love. And there’s nothing more to say about this, because everything has already been said.

As soon as you realize (remember) that you are a part of everything, you inevitably feel like you’re reconnecting to the source. The absence of love is what we feel when we perceive ourselves as lonely, “disconnected,” on our own. But that’s not the case at all. We are never truly alone. We are manifestations of the Universal Mind. The only thing that “disconnects” us from feeling connected to the entire Universe is our own thoughts that we are “alone”… And all of this — because…

As we decide — so it shall be.

This is our peculiar trait, yours and mine, and that of all people. It will be as we have decided based on what we have believed. Believed that there will be peace on Earth — and so it will be. Even if there is war and chaos for everyone else, for us, this world will turn into a world of peace.

That’s why we say that every person is a universe. These aren’t just big and beautiful words. It’s profound wisdom. Every person is a universe because each of us possesses a unique set of beliefs, expectations, and convictions, and based on them, we make our decisions. And thus, we create our own unique universes. For one person, “everything is made of Love” – and so it is for them. For another, “people are traitors” – and no matter how hard they try, as long as they believe and expect it, people won’t fail to prove them right. For a third person, “everything is deceitful.” And do we even need to mention that’s exactly how it will be? Everyone lives in their own reality, created solely by them. Sometimes people with similar beliefs form groups, and then for all of them there’s either war or peace and love.

It seems to me that beliefs and expectations, like magnets, pull us towards each other… And they certainly attract events and people into our lives, vividly illustrating everything that goes on in our minds. And all this is called individuality… Individuality — a universe — a system of expectations.

And only one group of people lives in a world that’s astonishingly common for all these non-individuals. They’re non-individuals because they’ve managed to wipe out individuality from their minds as thoroughly as possible — all their beliefs and expectations. And they haven’t just wiped them out. Perhaps, concepts like expectations and beliefs are difficult to erase from the mind, after all, they didn’t just happen by chance — behind them lies such a colossal thing as “life experience.” Life experience, with emotions linked to it from our experiences, helped form a certain system of beliefs (expectations), which hinders us from starting to believe in something new when we want to change our lives…

But all we need to do is simply realize that there are these expectations. And they pull us back and down. It’s these that hinder us from looking at this world with the pure eyes of a child and seeing that…

The world — is beautiful, neutral, and everything in it is love and what we create ourselves.

Because when we consciously reject beliefs or fears — what’s the difference, they’re all essentially expectations — that we can’t do something, that we’re unworthy, incapable of something, won’t manage something, won’t surpass someone — then everything becomes simple. We just go and do what the heart asks, what the soul calls us to do.

In this world, we no longer feel sad because nobody loves us — because there’s no more loneliness. We’re all together. In this world, we only want one thing — to give everything we can give. And our foolish thoughts that nobody needs it, nobody will understand or appreciate it, no longer hinder us.

We give not because we want something in return, but because we want to give.

And so, we’ve come full circle….

Start giving to others. Give to yourself — out of Love. Stop thinking that you’re alone — come back to us, feel that you’re together with everyone again. Remember that you’re a creator. You’re a magician of your life and partly ours. Because we’re looking at you. You inspire us. You ignite us and set us ablaze. And so does everyone. And remember, the Universe is neutral. In it, there is only Love and what you create in it….

I love you.