How many times should women practically give you ways to seduce them?

Even though I am against any kinds of generalization, there are few categories of women with whom you may pretty much use similar ways to attract them. This very rough and – let’s pretend – impossible classification is based on different levels of emotional and intellectual EQs and IQs of the female you would like to charm.

e – low Emotional Quotient
i – low Intelligence Quotient
s – low Self-Esteem
E- high Emotional Quotient
I – high Intelligence Quotient
S – high Self-Esteem

eis – Frankly, you don’t have to do anything to get the girl. She is already lying there with her legs spread. Or, may be, buy her an ice cream?

eiS – Give her money, babe, take her “to Las Vegas and Monaco”, let her hear the diamonds’ clink. If she’s pretty, she’s going to be the rock of your crown. If, of course, you are not smart enough to seek intelligence in your mate.

eIs – High intelligence, low emotions and low self-esteem? Do you really need a nerd? Well, if you do, just find out what her Masters Degree is – and talk. Well, you know… Women love with their ears. Especially smart ones. She might as well be a sociopath. Scary…

eIS – This is a shark, babe, she will get all of you – your ring, your bank account, love of your mum, and, well, I mean “all”. If you recognize her and believe she’s good to be your wife – just marry her, she will make you do it eventually. Otherwise – run because, well, you know. 🙂 To charm her? Don’t try to abuse her intelligence. And don’t waster your time: she won’t buy it anyway. There is however a path to her heart: do what she says. Or what she thinks you should do. And if she doesn’t tell you because she thinks that you have to figure it out – you really have to figure it out.

Eis – Well, if the only thing you need is to charm, promise her eternity, that star, and endless beach walks. In fact, just take her to the beach to see a sunset. Then read a poem. By the end of the poem, kiss her very tenderly. She’s yours.

EiS – OMG, that really can be dangerous. If you are not afraid of accidental fires in your bed and in your life – go ahead. Charm her? Take her parachuting. And kiss her while you are still in the air. An don’t stop even after landing. I think you got an idea.

EIS – This is a rare type. But if you meet one of those, she will, probably, be one of the most famous women out there. You can never guess with her. She may be the toughest to charm. But if you dare to, you already know how. At least, you must be smarter than me anyway. 😉

EIs – give her a story! An intrigue! A romance, but not cheezy breezy beach walking stuff that she will be able to “crack” right away. This should be a real romantic mystery. But, perhaps, you won’t be able to build one for her anyway, especially when you find out that her self esteem is not really very high. I bet you will think that she’s not good enough for you, cause she will think so.

Well, you get the knowledge now. Go haunt. But when you get her, get back and tell me how it went. 😉

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