In the depths of void, the wind does wander,
Sunsets croon, while dawns hold their breath.
Emptiness I am, unseen by the observer,
Only known when I’ve met my silent death.

I dwell in emptiness, where silence reigns supreme,
The genesis of life, unending and serene.
A mystic void, an eternity unseen,
From the singular “I” to the collective dream.

The production of the hormone of happiness is stimulated by what we call the mindset – thoughts, roughly speaking. In other words, happiness is born in relation. This is a priori. What kind of attitude is needed to be happy and to produce this hormone of happiness.

Here’s the simple truth.

The problem is not that we don’t know how to be happy – we are too good at being unhappy. Meanwhile, being happy is very simple – you just need to understand well what the cause of unhappiness is. The cause of unhappiness, as a rule, is that our mind puts the presence of the feeling of happiness in dependence on conditions – external, internal, or both. Meanwhile, happiness is the natural state of any living person.

So, in order to be happy, you need the following:

  1. Acknowledge that happiness depends on certain conditions.
  2. Identify all the dependencies that exist in our lives. It is necessary to trace what we tell ourselves from the category: “If only I were married (had money, position, lived elsewhere, had an apartment, love, sex) – then I would live!”
  3. Learn to recognize these condition-based dependencies.
  4. Believe that happiness is possible regardless of any conditions being fulfilled.
  5. Not to think about anything – and to be happy.

Life is now. There is no past, no future yet. Moreover, the future is a projection of imagination and consciousness, which knows only the past. The future can be much broader than we predict or expect.

Happiness is “not a destination, it’s a trip.”

The production of the hormone of happiness is provoked by what is called mindset – thoughts, roughly speaking. In other words, happiness is born in relation. This is a priori. What kind of attitude is needed to be happy and to produce this hormone of happiness.

  1. Meanings

Life is empty and meaningless, and nothing means anything. We give meanings and values to everything, therefore, all relationships are exclusively creations of our minds. The most unhappy are emotionally sensitive people with an analytical mindset because thanks to their quick thinking, causal relationships are quickly formed in their minds: I was fired – I am a bad worker. Emotional reaction to the conclusion strengthens this cause-and-effect relationship and memorizes it with fear, pain, and other experiences on a physical level, generating values that, in turn, are entrenched in the mind. So even subsequent analysis of the situation sometimes cannot cope with these connections. Even realizing them, a person continues to feel that they work because, as a rule, he realizes only one link in the chain. And only understanding the whole process: event – assessment – experience – endowing the event with meaning, – can free a person from the automatism of the process. Because it is our relationships with reality that make us unhappy (or unhappy). Hence the next point.

  1. Reality Test

When we perceive elements of our existence, we inadequately assess reality, assuming that there is much more to reality than there really is. We consider real what is real only for us, according to our individual reality tests. But for the rest of the world, this is not necessarily considered real, so it is worth considering real only what can be verified by time, space, and duration – the only three tests of reality. Already here, a large part of experiences and sufferings disappear.

  1. Possibilities

Lack of opportunities makes people unhappy. The older we get, the more “knowledge” about what is possible and what is not accumulates in our minds. In childhood, we owned the whole world – because everything was possible. As soon as some opportunities are closed – part of the world is immediately closed, as if bitten off from the world. As a result, in maturity, only a stub remains for us. And we don’t know whether to slowly gnaw what’s left, stretching out meager pleasure, or to hate the miserable morsel. Meanwhile, everything that opportunities are closed and taken away – this is unreality. It’s like if you were riding a bike, stopped, and someone told you that the bike would no longer ride. And you stand like a fool and instead of riding, you cry that your bike won’t ride. The same goes for opportunities: they haven’t gone anywhere. The only thing that can really prevent us from using these endless possibilities is agreements.

  1. Agreements

The world is incredibly verbal. Everything in this world is based on what people have agreed upon among themselves. For example, they agreed that men should wear pants. But in Ireland, they agreed that men wear skirts. And both agreements work. Agreements are power! Agreements rule the world. But agreements are not carved in stone, they can be changed! There was an agreement that homosexuality is perversion. And now this agreement is almost nowhere to be found. There was an agreement on racial inequality, formally it no longer exists. If some existing agreements do not allow you to use the endless possibilities that rightfully belong to you – CHANGE agreements! It’s amazing. It will make anyone’s life extraordinary.

And then, you understand that….

You can do everything. You can do anything. You can live anywhere. You can create anything. The world is infinite. Any manifestation of reality is beautiful. In every single moment, life around you is so beautiful that you don’t have enough heart to feel this beauty. You can change this world if you are dissatisfied with something by changing agreements.

What else makes you unhappy?

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