I envisioned the state in which the majority of bottoms (depression, negativity) find themselves as such “hell” (which is not as frightening as it seems). Negative thoughts, fears, doubts, and uncertainty prevail. There’s little positivity, although paradise is close, so sometimes there’s a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel or even its gentle touch.

That feels pleasant. And then back into the depths. The journey to paradise is difficult and becomes even more so the further away a person is from it. As happiness and positivity approach, they increase, but until the “purgatory,” it’s the area where the bottom (the deepest point) pulls even stronger, the more you wish to ascend to the next level.

The deeper you go, the tighter it holds. The further you step away, sometimes it takes more effort to hold you back than you apply to escape. The closer to the exit, the stronger the pull, but the brighter the light, the greater the will to live – the LOVE… It’s the eternal struggle between the bottom and a person’s personal strength, which is most difficult to overcome the inertia of this bottom, but at the same time, it has impeccable tools and – always! – guaranteed opportunities to cross the upper boundary of this space and find oneself in the gray space of “purgatory.”

Here, paradise is very close, but the distance between paradise and hell is not great. The gray space is a rest for the fighter who has overcome the black hole of the bottom, but it’s short-lived because to completely free oneself from the influence of negativity, it’s necessary to firmly establish oneself in positivity. The intermediate phase is slippery. Relaxing a little – and you’re back where you were, dreaming of gentle rays, climbing back up with your last bit of strength. You might think it’s already bright and time to rest on your laurels, not noticing how you’re slipping down, down.

The work isn’t finished yet. You can’t allow yourself to weaken even a little, succumb to the persistent black tricks, like long arms reaching out from the darkness to grab you again. They’re waiting, they want. To break you again. You can’t give in. You can rest, leaning slightly on the slippery sloping granite, and – back on the road. It seems so simple. It seems that by ceasing to be negative and wishing ill, you’ll easily enter the golden gates of the World of Love. But suddenly it turns out that by the standards of black, you’ve become white, and by the standards of white, you look like a chimney sweep. And now the work begins. Not to think about evil, not to give power to your fears, allowing them to break you, not to seek revenge, not to hate – great virtues in a world where it’s dark. But it’s not enough to touch Love.

And you understand that there’s no other way. You want to connect with that star that sent you rays of hope for happiness while you walked at the bottom of the well. You already felt it in your dreams. In brief moments of enlightenment and desire for something better. Now your task is to wish this for the whole world, but also for yourself in the end because you’re starting to realize that there’s this light and its opposite. After all, your paradise is the realization of yourself as an individuality in the amazing world connected by invisible threads of beings, countless molecules of existence.

Who am I? This hand is a combination of hydrocarbons and many other molecules… Carbon was once a plant, then it was air and earth, and in this earth lay a great warrior born by the Sun God. Who am I? My matter remembers everything on Earth because all of this has existed here for centuries. New forms, new combinations of the same eternal particles. We are all just new pictures in an old kaleidoscope. And then comes the feeling of unity. One. Total. And you’re a part of it. But you’re isolated. You’re alone. You’re alone until you realize this greatest unity.

What’s your hell? Your loneliness, incapable of realizing the unity of eternity and everything on earth. The interconnection of particles of existence, which drives you crazy with its infinite wisdom and wise infinity. Loneliness, to which you owe only a wall of non-Love that you’ve built around yourself. Just can’t overcome this pull to the bottom. But if only you knew what awaits you in the heart of the star… What’s your paradise? Return. Reunion. Connection. Revival. Return home. Return to the origins of the Essence of Life. We are all one. A huge ocean. But we are all drops. And each has its own color, its own sound, its own smell. We flow into each other. And we’re together. And through this TOGETHERNESS flows Love.

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