Once, I was planning to write about a Russian composer and pianist named Oksana. I had already met with her, talked, and taken some pictures of her, so I thought I had everything I needed. But there was no life in that material, something was missing… as if I could not find the key component. Suddenly, I realized what it was!
What was missing was Oksana’s husband, Alex. I clearly saw that Alex played a huge part in Oksana’s journey to becoming Oksana and creating the things she does in her life. Alex is always in her shadow, but he’s a big part of Oksana’s success. And I realized that if I write about Oksana, I have to write about Alex, too. And at that very moment, everything clicked into place.
And as the next moment began to show itself, I had another vision: The Unity of Oksana and Alex. The idea of how undivided they are. I can’t write an article about her without mentioning him. This realization made me think of something else. I realized that I belong. I belong to something bigger. Some huge information matrix. A space of closeness filled with amazing and wonderful people. And all of these people want to be involved with me and reach out for what I have to offer. They want to connect and to be together. This feeling stoked the fire within me, and another realization came.
I realized what egotism is. I believe it to be a state of separation from that space of intimacy. Ego creates boundaries and limits which we surround ourselves with and which, in turn, make us feel disconnected. To be able to find our way back to that space and feeling of closeness, we need to drop these limits and merge back into that feeling of belonging—to an understanding of intimacy and letting go of fear for each other.
I was, and still am, stunned by this realization. It’s not that I haven’t ever conceived of this idea before, but for the first time, this idea moved from the arena of known fact to the area of being. It underwent a transformation inside of me to the level of my senses. For the first time in my life, I finally realized what intimacy and Love were, and I felt liberated.
I understood that intimacy is something all people want more than anything else. As they die, they begin to remember the value of what it is to truly be intimate with someone on the level of pure and innocent love. But this physical world in which we now live can potentially limit our mind and body if we don’t stay spiritually motivated and positive.
We must remember and understand that we are all connected. This is not just something to be said in passing, but a truth to be lived by. When we remember this, the world becomes a more beautiful and inviting place. Everyone has some feeling or belief that this idea of intimacy is on some level real and approachable in everyday life. And everybody is looking for the key that unlocks the door. Some think that Love is the key, and I believe they are right. It may be that the key of love allows you to open the door to enlightenment. But only if our hearts are open. Unfortunately, people are scared of being hurt, so they never really open their hearts. This, in turn, leads to a life of fear and resentment which is far from the incredible and beautiful life we are entitled to. We call all kinds of things Love. Things that are as far from the reality of Love as they could be. And people try to open the closed door with their closed heart. It just doesn’t work and ends up causing pain and resentment.
Many people think that intimacy is something born between two people, similar to the worldly definition of Love. In thinking this way, they can’t see that intimacy is all around us. Closeness and Unity are the essence of this world. We are all already here, all together, united, and connected. There is no need to look for intimacy for it surrounds us already. We just need to drop our egos’ limitations.
Our world is one. It is a united organism. It’s one single entity, one thought, one breath. We are all in this thing called life together, and we must support one another to survive and thrive. Deep Breath of God.
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