I hear the creaking of the white swings. And the supports – they are red. I turn my head and slightly open my mouth. I know my mouth looks beautiful this way. I straighten my back. And I am excited. I am so excited that suddenly it seems like I might fall. But I pull myself together and walk past the small lights.
I love it when it starts to darken during the day because there's a heavy leaden cloud hanging overhead, filled with thunder. The branches reach northward under the force of the warm wind, and the grass trembles at my feet.
I agree that it's important to take into account the rules established within the "husband-wife" system (oops, got a bit complicated there, let's simplify). If it's established that "left" is just as natural as "right," then no complaints are accepted.
Misunderstanding is painful. Misunderstanding at work is harmful. And misunderstanding with your boss is downright dangerous. Mainly for your career, and of course, for your nerves. Moreover, the accountant in a company is often the person the boss must trust the most. And what trust can exist without mutual understanding?
Being a passionу one, I indeed don't just wish for seductive occurrences in my life, I passionately desire them, permeating these desires with energy and love, joy and hope.
Have you ever noticed those energy vampires around you? They can be beautiful, intelligent, interesting, and charming. In fact, they usually are. Because if they weren't, we wouldn't get caught in their enchanting webs. How we get caught isn't the point: it's easier to capture an unprepared person than to keep them.
Have you ever noticed how your well-being, mood, and productivity subtly change after rearranging your furniture or bringing a new plant into your home? Some phenomena are imperceptible to the senses but still impact our overall state. The meaning behind the daily dialogue between you and the objects and environment around you is explained by the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. Millennia of observations on the influence of one's surroundings have resulted in the principles of Feng Shui.
Oh how we want to shake off after a long cold gray winter, stretch out towards the rays of the sun, and bloom in spring, like a snowdrop. Even if on cold days we carefully cared for our skin, in anticipation of summer, we want to stroll through the stores in search of miraculous remedies that will fill us with new freshness and beauty.
By paying special attention to the face, we sometimes forget that the skin of the whole body needs care. How many days of sun await in our hands and feet! How much we want to wash it all away, feel refreshed and light.
I'm not a woman. I'm a wind that wants to escape the limits of rituals, politeness, and "have to's".