Of course, I had to consider it from various aspects, practice, study it in depth, and test it practically at the deepest level - in my life, in communication with people, and in the business process, I had to break through several stumbling blocks.
I decided to put together a few storylines for possible screenplays....
Actors: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Keira Knightley.
Storyline: A list of a crime participants is created by the crime witness and secretly sent to police. A crime detective Jack (Cruise) who leads this case is captured by a gang. A bad man (Travolta) shows Jack a video of Jack's girlfriend Lisa (Keira).
Life is empty and meaningless. Meanings are invented by ourselves. And only what has passed the test of objective factors—space, time, and continuity—is considered real. EVERYTHING else (which can only be subjectively tested for reality)—feelings, forecasts, fears, hopes, anxieties—is deemed unreal
I'm reading this amazing book by Joe Vitale Zero Limits. Joe is that guy from the movie The Secret who talked about being broke in Dallas for 15 years. And then, bam - suddenly became rich. Well, lots of other cool stuff happened to him too. But this book isn't about how he got rich.
The production of the hormone of happiness is provoked by what is called mindset - thoughts, roughly speaking. In other words, happiness is born in relation. This is a priori. What kind of attitude is needed to be happy and to produce this hormone of happiness.
I had to identify several areas of my life and rate them on a ten-point scale based on how well they were functioning. I found only two areas (out of 10!) that were working better than a 4. On a ten-point scale!
I have been listening to a series of interviews with James Ray, who participated in the movie "The Secret." As always, he gives a lot of analogies, and I love analogies as visuals: I can immediately imagine the mechanism of what is actually happening and remember the metaphorical meaning.
"I wanna know you better," Nick said, turning to his side.
"Yeah? OK, all right. Ask me. Ask me something…. No, actually, just ask me anything."
"OK," he lingered as if he wasn't sure he should ask… "But you said 'anything'."
"I sure did."
"Sharon, what happened? Why did you leave so early without waking me up? I'm sorry, I was really tired, slept like a log… I really need to talk to you. Please call me." David pressed the "end call" button.
About an hour ago, Sharon quietly closed the door behind her and slipped out onto the small balcony overlooking the cliff.
How many times should women practically give you ways to seduce them?
Even though I am against any kinds of generalization, there are few categories of women with whom you may pretty much use similar ways to attract them. This very rough and - let's pretend - impossible classification is based on different levels of emotional and intellectual EQs and IQs of the female you would like to charm.