
Those memories of Love I had
And openness my heart have felt
Before that moment in the end –
Oh, yet I was alone…
I drifted single like the Sun,
So far away, when I was gone
I had this wound, it was the one
To take away from home
My spirit. Yet, I was alive
And it was easy to survive
When I intentionally strived
To open up my heart.
Then once again my soul have flown,
And in my heart I had that stone
Of ice just melting in the glow
But yet I fell apart.
I wished to spread my wings to fly
Again into the shiny sky
I wished to be. To be alive
But turned to be asleep.
I thought I died. I did. Alas.
And I gave up on all. On us.
And I was up to fall, to pass,
But something came so deep.

And I awoke. And you were here.
And didn’t want to disappear
Like all my dreams. My Love, My Dear.
And I could hear.
Your heart. 06.10.05

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