Osho once elaborated quite well in one of his books (and it's known that most, if not all, of his books are nothing but transcripts of his speeches) about how "The giver should be grateful." He gave an example of a rich man who brought a bag of money to some guru.
I'm not talking about wearing pants backward or sleeping upside down. I'm talking about the discomfort within. Since growth is always associated with stepping out of the familiar cozy 'comfort zone', in order to grow, you need to always (or at least most of the time, outside of sleep) feel the challenge.
It's a bit strange how the meaning of the well-known phrase 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' has been so twisted… Well, you can't possibly interpret it so literally! The essence of it is not that if you have good intentions, you'll inevitably end up in hell… And it's certainly not about how every good intention harbors a bunch of bad ones…
Survival Almost constant worry – about various issues: whether there will be enough money, whether the spouse will leave, whether the spouse will cheat, whether the children will get sick, whether I will start aging earlier, whether I will be perceived as ugly, whether I will gain weight, whether I will lose potency, whether I will be fired, whether I will recoup my investment, whether my partner will back out of the deal, whether there will be a bad harvest, whether the oil price will spike…