During the analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of marketing activities, information is required. Necessary data can be obtained in various ways, one of which is research. Conducting research is associated with many difficulties, so the approach must be qualified.
Crises affect all types of activities. The question is not whether a crisis will occur or not, but when it will happen and how severe it will be. Just as one can live a healthier and happier life, any threat to a business can be endured with minimal losses. But to achieve this, one must be prepared for a crisis situation.
Oh, how difficult life has become for the inhabitants of planet Earth! Stress, social activity, personal growth issues, concern over political tension - it seems like everything is against normal, peaceful relationships between men and women right now.
Experts who know the true state of affairs believe that it is not reliable to rely on a condom as a means of preventing pregnancy or protecting against infection. At least now, research is being conducted that has revealed that sometimes sperm can pass through microscopic pores in the material from which condoms are made, whether latex or polyurethane, not to mention viruses (for example, those that cause immune deficiency), which are much smaller than sperm.