You think the Universe is like a big auntie, God is a wise uncle, and Creation is a loving something. Whoever they are, they know all about each other, hear all of us (except those who think they don’t exist), take applications during working hours, which is always, strictly give only upon request, and otherwise don’t really care about us. However, if in our understanding they love us, then in life it seems to be true…

Hehe… But what if since childhood we got used not to trust people, let alone supernatural entities? If we’re offended by both, and generally look at everyone with suspicion. If we kind of hope that if we push hard enough, we’ll get what we need from them, but in general they’re irresponsible fellows and just stupid: they don’t understand simple words and visual images, and you need to find some special ways to communicate with them, where a step left is a step right – and that’s it, hello, the request failed into a black hole.

Oh, maybe we believe that these three (or one of them) important beings are indeed total love, total acceptance, all-creating, and they can and do everything, but just not for us. Because – yes, for various “becauses”. Whatever. We peed our pants in childhood. Or, even worse, pooped… We were into kleptomania or twisted in particularly dangerous sizes. And overall we’re not impressive, not cool, only getting Bs in school and our GTO badge is not golden but silver. What a bummer. (By the way, I don’t have a GTO badge at all, in sixth grade I fell off a goat and lay under it until the last bell of eighth grade).

So, all this is crap.

In general, every time from sorrow I forget that any of my depression and doubt about what’s happening to me and why all this is needed, is nothing but preparation for another realization. Like an onion, during these unconscious moments, layers of true unconsciousness are peeled off me, and every time after another layer is sawn off, I see deeper, thinner, and clearer. I’m not saying that I’ve become enlightened – not at all. It’s just that an interesting perspective has opened up to me, an amazing understanding has come – at such a level where I’ve never seen any of this before.

Honestly, somewhere in the background I got a little nervous because the philosophy is so subtle that if I share it with everyone indiscriminately, I won’t be able to avoid the label “crazy”. Meanwhile, I feel so normal that I surprise myself. The way I am now, at this very moment (possible recurrence of onion layers), seeing life, solves globally colossal amounts of problems and little problems alike, simply leaving them beyond the scope of this understanding of life. Within this understanding, many things that prevent us from living happily, especially related to self-perception, self-acceptance, life, communication with people… In other words, it’s such a zero state, there’s nowhere zeroer. Initially fragile, you need to hold on to it – it’s easy to fall out of it. But getting back there is not difficult at all. And having been there for some time, it’s just strange how can it be otherwise?!…

I consciously don’t tell details, I’ll write the key phrase at the very end of the post, expressing this state, from which everything can develop. And those who are close to it will understand anyway… It’s just a topic that needs to be approached. If you just tell someone this out of the blue, especially those who don’t “communicate” with the Universe (God, Creation), it will be at the very least incomprehensible to them, at the most – wild. But it’s SO amazing! And there are many amazing but understandable connections and interesting facts in it (intriguing, I know, but to tell you everything about it – you need to write a book. Yeah, by the way, a good thought. 🙂 Well then. Are you ready? So….

I am the Universe that enjoys being human.”

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