I’m reading this amazing book by Joe Vitale Zero Limits. Joe is that guy from the movie The Secret who talked about being broke in Dallas for 15 years. And then, bam – suddenly became rich. Well, lots of other cool stuff happened to him too. But this book isn’t about how he got rich.

I’ve just started reading it, but I’m already trying out some of the ideas and experiments Vitale shares at the beginning of his book in my life. By the way, he talks about that doctor who treated mentally ill criminals without even talking to them, just by reading their medical histories. That’s the same doctor mentioned in one of Luba Rykel’s audio trainings: when the doctor read the medical history and asked for forgiveness from the patients for how they manifested in his life (reality, and initially, consciousness). In other words, the doctor took responsibility for their – his and the patients’ – shared space, the part of life they shared when he learned about their histories.

In my opinion, this is an exceptional form of taking responsibility for your life: when you’re not only willing to be accountable to others for your actions, but also to yourself – for your thoughts, actions, and everything you do not only yourself, but also everyone who manifests in your reality in any way. This includes everything: total, absolutely sincere forgiveness, sending love, acceptance, prayer, healing, and Love itself, as it is, and magic – EVERYTHING. I can’t even imagine anything else that could be the basis of such an approach to life.

This approach was astonishing to me because it created incredible freedom and almost a physical sensation that everything that exists in my world – consciousness, awareness – is my creation, my projection. It’s easy for me to forgive, ask for forgiveness, and love those who hurt me: because I realize that it was me who hurt myself with their hands. And I need to ask them for forgiveness because they had to hurt me. They had to appear before me as they were for me.

Because I am the source of everything in my life… And all of you are projections in my consciousness, just as I am a projection in yours.

I’ve been immersed – literally immersed – in memories of trials in my memory for three days: pain, betrayal, cruelty, malice, meanness – everything. It overwhelms me that I can realize over and over again that no one but myself did this in my life, set up the projector so that others had to hurt me, betray me, be cruel, evil, mean to me… This may seem strange, but this realization is incredibly liberating! I constantly ask for forgiveness from them and “cleanse” our common space from what I did in my life.

The world seems amazing and simple after this. Everything becomes possible in it again. Just three days and just a few such “Forgive me, I love you!” – but very sincere – and for the first time in six years in the States, I feel at home in my heart. Everything here is cute, warm, familiar, and comfortable for me in my world – and it’s cozy and soulful!

The most amazing thing in all this process is that for the first time in my life, I perceive my body completely differently. I need to make up for 38 years of humiliation! As soon as I notice that consciousness is starting to judge and offend my body again (for those who don’t know what it’s like to look different from everyone else their whole life, I can say that I used to call myself names that are not polite to say in decent society dozens of times a day, and blamed myself for not being a beauty standard) – I instantly notice this, and, most amazingly, feel pain and hurt for my body – and immediately ask for forgiveness for being the cause of its suffering for 38 years! For 38 years, I will love, cherish, and nurture you, my dear body!

In addition to this amazing experience, there is also a stream of memories of the most terrible and difficult life situations – and all of them completely stop weighing me down. They come together and decrease and become part of my consciousness – which they always were in reality, when I thought they were much bigger than me… And I endlessly ask for forgiveness and say “I love you!”

The flip side of this process is the almost default gratitude present in me. For all the good. After all, this is also me! After all, I did it! And I am grateful to myself for this! And if other people were involved in this and did something good for me, then in addition to being, of course, grateful to them for what they did, I am also grateful from the point of view that, if you dig back to the source again, I did it with their help, and through them, this creation of mine simply manifested. And I am grateful that they helped this creation of mine to manifest, that I was able to endure this! I am grateful.

Because they, like you, like everything I know in my life, are me!

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